The DPHM expo was the day before the DPHM. It was at the Coronado Springs Resort. We had to park at Downtown Disney and take a shuttle to the expo. The expo opened at 9, and the shuttles were supposed to start running 30 minutes before the expo opened. We got to Downtown Disney before 8 and my friend wanted to walk to Coronado Springs instead of waiting for the shuttle. She pulled it up on her phone, and the maps said it was 1.2 miles away. I said, sure, I’ll walk that, no problem. Luckily for us, a Cast Member saw us in the parking lot looking at the phone and asked if we needed help. We told her we were about to walk to Coronado Springs. She suggested against it, and stated that it was a really far walk. My friend was like, well, I’m running 13.1 miles tomorrow, soooo it’s not that far. I tried explaining to the Cast Member that the map said it was 1.2 miles. The Cast Member (super professional the whole time) was like, it’s not recommended and stated that it was considered an Animal Kingdom resort. That was enough for me; I know enough to know that Animal Kingdom means super doper far away. We thanked her and waited for the shuttle. The shuttle actually started running early and we got on no problem.
When it dropped us off at the resort, there were already about 100 people in line before us. There were two lines, one to go directly into the expo and one to purchase the New Balance Disney running shoes. Fewer people were in the shoe only line (obviously) and only a few sizes were left. (If I remember correctly, it was 8 and under for women, and 7 and under for men.) After every few shuttle drop offs we would look behind us, by the time the expo opened, there were at least a thousand people behind us. We waited in line until 9 am exactly and then we allowed into the expo. As soon as we walked in, there were Cinderella’s Coachmen taking pictures with guests in front of a castle background. I told Sandy I wanted to stop on the way out to take a picture with them. I was not about to waste our advantage of getting in before everyone else to blow it on a photo opp.
We walked on to the convention floor and went straight to bib pick-up. The person who was handing out bibs was taking forever! There was one person in front of us, but it felt like it took forever for him to get her everything she needed so we could go. Finally it’s our turn, he gives us our bibs, makes sure our names are correct and that the trackers match the front of the bibs.
(Commemorative race bib, team name, "Point us to the beer."
Then we had to go to the exact opposite side of the convention center (past the beer and wine vendors!) to pick up our included shirts. I got my shirt no problem, but my friend Sandy ordered a men’s size shirt, so while one person was getting the correct size, she was handed an additional incorrect size shirt (free shirt!).
Included with the shirt was a pink mesh backpack, so I took a minute to shove everything in there before we headed to the official merchandise tent. (I hate having my hands full or too many things to keep track of!)
The official merchandise tent was packed! They were selling (like) 5 different t-shirts, one said something like, “Sorry Charming, gotta run” and another was a child’s size and read, “My mommy ran the DPHM”. They were selling DPHM zipped up cotton jackets, wine glasses, head bands, vinylmation, pins, and Dooney and Bourke was there with the limited edition Princess purses. (I was joking with Sandy while waiting to be let in that there was no way I was going to buy one, even if they weren’t sold out, because I couldn’t just drop that kind of money on a bag without thinking about it in advance.) Sandy said before we got into the official merchandise area that she wanted the shirt that showed the course map. They had way more of these shirts than any other kind in there and we each got one. (I know myself well enough to know that if she bought one and I didn’t that every time she wore hers, I would be sad that I didn’t get one. So I did!)
(Front of shirt)
(Back of shirt)
We kept looking around and eventually decided we were done. The line to check out was long (obviously!) and I told her to talk me out of buying a purse. She’s like, “No, I won’t do that. They’re awesome.” We were the next people about to check out as soon as a register opened and I jumped out of line, grabbed a purse and went to check out. (I didn’t even look inside! I have no idea what the lining looks like, if the zipper works, etc. Total impulse purchase. Edit, opened the bag, it's the same light blue cloth inside as my other D&B Disney bag. The zipper, however, is not the same awesome multicolored kind, new bag has a gold zipper.)

As soon as my transaction finished, I remembered to ask if I would get a discount for using my Disney Chase Visa. Poor girl has to cancel everything, get a manager, the manager was confused, finally got the previous transaction voided and paid for it on my Disney Chase Visa. (And yes, before I bought it, I checked the return policy. I have 30 days to bring it back to any merchandise store on Disney property.)
When we finished paying we noticed that the official merchandise tent was considerably less crowded than it had been when we were shopping. We exited the tent and saw a line outside of the official merchandise tent. We verified that there was now a line to get in the tent and it was an hour long!
Sandy and I wandered around the expo, took advantage of the yogurt sample, and then headed to the Runners Relations table to see if we could be bumped up to an earlier corral. There was a cast member who was making sure that the people getting in line were supposed to. I asked her if it was possible to be moved to an earlier corral and explained that I didn’t have proof of time from a run, but did have my RunKeeper app. She said it had to be a timed run, and then SHE LEANED IN. (The lean-in is amazing, it’s like getting a new friend in an instant. I love the lean-in.) She said we might as well stand in line and ask one of the people when we got to the front. We waited in line for a few minutes and Sandy explained it to the new cast member. The new cast member said there was nothing she could do, and then she said that if she was going to be nice and we were going to be nice, then she would be able to bump us up. We took out our race bibs and she put a sticker over the previous corral letter. (Originally H. AKA the last corral.) The stickers were for F. I was so excited to be bumped up a corral. (So excited, in fact, that I didn’t realized that F was two corrals higher, not just one. Sorry G, I forgot all about you in the excitement.)

(Official half marathon bib, post half marathon, with magical corral F sticker)
After that, we walked around the expo some more and it was pretty crowded, and we’d done everything we needed to, so we left. The line to get pictures with the Coachmen was long, so we skipped it. The bus back to Downtown Disney was out front waiting, and we were the last two people on. We didn’t get to sit together because the bus was full, but we were only two rows apart. Both of us made friends with the people around us (so unlike us). My seat-mate was from Michigan, ran the 5k earlier in the day, and was picking up her packet for the half marathon the following day. The whole family came down from Michigan for the half marathon, they rented a 5 bedroom house, and were planning on spending a week going to the theme parks. Sandy made friends with the guy sitting directly behind me in a UF jersey (Go Gators!). He waited in the New Balance line and then tried to register for the DPHM, but all the spaces were full. (Yeah, they were full months ago! Jeez.) But his shoes were adorable. (The color scheme was not great: bright red, yellow, and black. It looked very Ronald McDonald to me, but whatever.) There were little Mickey heads around the edge of shoe. His girlfriend also bought shoes and it was like pulling teeth to get her to show them off. They were not nearly as cute. Where the boys’ shoes had Mickeys, the girls’ shoes had polka dots. I thought they needed bows to go along with the dots.
Sandy and I went to lunch, then ran errands all afternoon and went to dinner at 5 to “carb-load”. Sandy’s husband, Joe, joined us for lunch, errands, and dinner. As soon as we finished dinner, Sandy and I took sleep aids and were in bed by 7 pm in order to wake up at 2 am for the half marathon.