Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Family Reunion (Day Four)

Day Four. Finally time to see Mickey! Since this was the last day of vacation, we took both cars. Marina and I were in mine, and J-Dawg, Sir, and Monster were in the other car. By the time J-Dawg got into the park, she was already throwing up. When she went to bed the night before, she said her tummy was a little upset, but she blamed the pizza. Marina and Monster both wanted to take pictures with characters, unfortunately, Monster wanted to meet Mickey and Marina wanted to meet Princesses, but first we got sprinkled with fairy dust. 

I went with Marina to meet Princesses and the others went to meet Mickey. 

While in with the Princesses, my glasses broke. The lens popped out and I needed a screwdriver to put it back in. I asked one of the cast members to radio out to see if anyone had an eyeglass repair kit, but she didn't understand my request. When we left the Princess meet and greet, I wanted to go to first aid to see if they had an eyeglass repair kit. They did!!! And we ran into everybody else at first aid. They gave J-Dawg anti-nausea medicine, but it came right back up.

We headed to Fantasyland and J-Dawg could barely keep her head up. Monster, Marina, and I hopped on the carousel. 

Then the girls got in line to meet Daisy and Minnie. J-Dawg sat on the floor out of the way.

Marina, Monster and I rode the Dumbo and Sir stayed with J-Dawg. 

By the time we were done on Dumbo, J-Dawg was in a wheelchair. Apparently, they keep a few emergency wheelchairs at strategic locations through out the park. We wheeled her to the Little Mermaid ride and then to the Ariel meet and greet. J-Dawg was doing her best, but the bug was winning. I told Marina, Monster, and Sir to go to Enchanted Tales with Belle, and I would meet up with them afterwards, since I know the park better than everyone else, I wouldn't get lost taking J-Dawg back to the infirmary. (Remember how I ran a 5k before meeting up with everybody on the first day of vacation? I asked J-Dawg if we had any plans for that morning, before I signed up to run. She said no, there were no plans for that morning, but she would not push me around the park in a wheelchair. I think she appreciated the irony.) (By the way, we had to pull over on the way to the infirmary. I tried to give her some privacy. Look at the pretty castle.)

I made sure she had napkins and little gift bags. (Recall the barf bags from Mission Space? They work much better than the little gift bags [which are infinitely better than nothing] and I deeply regret not taking them with me as I left the ride, but I left them for the next people on the ride, should they need them. If I had only know how badly we would need them I would have taken them!) The nurses got her settled and I met back up with everybody else. We rode Peter Pan and Small World and had lunch at Pinocchio Village Haus. Monster slept through lunch (poor thing) and then rode Jungle Cruise.  

J-Dawg called to say she was feeling better and asked that we come pick her up. So we grabbed J-Dawg and headed for the WEDway People Mover, one of the tamest rides ever. Almost guaranteed to not upset any tummies. Everybody wanted to ride facing forward, so I told the cast member that we were a group of 2, and they said they were a group of 3. I figured that was easier than saying 5 but insisting on two cars. I also assumed that the likelihood of being on two different trains was low. Wrong! Marina and I went ahead and the others were on the second car. Our car kept slowing down and their car was never in view behind ours. Seventy-five percent of the ride was over and our car had already come to two full and complete unscheduled stops when we got a text from the other car. J-Dawg was throwing up again. Time to end this vacation! As soon as the ride stopped, we loaded J-Dawg on the wheelchair and pushed her to the exit. Monster was crying at this point and Sir put her on his shoulders, and told her to let him know if she started to feel unwell. At that point, I saw that she was about to throw-up again, and yelled at Sir to get her down. Luckily, he was able to lean far enough forward to avoid getting anything on him and she threw up in the middle of Main Street.

Marina was still wearing my tiara as we were saying good-bye. I told her to keep it for the ride home, she was going to need it. I also told them to text me when they got home. The drive from Disney to their house should take just under four hours, it took over six. Sir got sick on the ride home.

As soon as I got home, I jumped in the shower and then changed my sheets. My dog, Captain Hook, couldn't figure out why I would walk in the house and not love on him immediately, especially after not seeing him for three full days. I did not want to take any chances that whatever they had had hitched a ride home on me, and that it was communicable to dogs.

I went to work the next morning and felt fine. When I got home, I microwaved a lean cuisine and played video games. A little while after I ate, I began to feel nauseated. I tried blaming the lean cuisine, but it was no use. I had IT. I texted out sick for the next day and spent it on the couch. No drinking and no eating  those are the rules. Luckily, other people already figured out what to do to avoid throwing up. They did not warn me that after it was done being a northern disease, it became a southern disease. So much yuck! After I threw up the first time, I texted J-Dawg to let her know that I was sick and to congratulate Marina for being the only one to escape without getting it. At which point, she told me that Marina got it too. Damn it Disney plague! (For the record, in my completely amateur opinion, I think we had a version of the Norovirus. It behaved very similarly to it, spread quickly, no immunity after contracting it, etc.)

So, I didn't really eat or drink anything Friday, which is why I was super dehydrated for the Reindeer Run through SeaWorld the following Saturday. Saturday night was my company's holiday party at Disney's Polynesian Resort. We went to the Spirit of Aloha Dinner Show. Which is what my next post will be about.

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