Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Family Reunion (Day Three)

J-Dawg and Sir do some research on what could be upsetting Monster's tummy and come up with the plan of attack for the day:
1. We are going to get her some anti-nausea medicine.
2. We are going to take separate cars in case Monster has a repeat, that way she and a parent can go back to the hotel and everyone else can stay at the parks.
3. We are going to be flexibile and play the day by ear.

Sir and I take my car to get anti-nausea medicine and everyone else follows in the other car. We went straight to Whispering Canyon Cafe at Disney's Wilderness Lodge. The restaurant is adorable! They have Lincoln Logs in the waiting area. (I was typing Lincoln Logs for this blog post, and then I started to wonder if they weren't Linking Logs [you know, because they link to each other]. Looked it up, turns out they are not named for Abraham, but for Frank Lincoln Wright [who may have been named for Abraham Lincoln, I couldn't find an answer after 90 seconds of looking] son of Frank Lloyd Wright.) The banana bread french toast is awesome! The overall experience is fun: if someone asks for ketchup, the table with ketchup (yes, the table) brings over all 8 bottles, if you drink a lot, the glass sizes will start to fluxuate (the man sitting next to us had several different size glasses on his table from mason jar size, to regular glass size, to shot glass size, etc.), at one point the staff handed out hobby horses and the children (and a grandma) rode them around the restaurant. Monster slept through all of this.

When she did wake up, she was still not feeling well. J-Dawg and Sir decided to take her back to the hotel and Marina and I went to the parks. We decided to go back to the parks we had already been to and do the things we didn't have time for (or were not working) the first time. 

We went back to Animal Kingdom and rode Expedition Everest (Remember how I mentioned that this was not our first family trip to Disney? Well, for some reason, the ManBearPig episode of South Park really stuck with us, and the first time we rode Expedition Everest as a group, we raised our arms in the air (rollercoaster style) and then brought them forward (superhero style) and yelled ManBearPig. Now, every time I'm on that ride, I feel the need to yell ManBearPig. Although, if you've seen the episode, Excelsior might make more sense to yell.) 

We also rode Dinosaur, where you go back in time to save a dinosaur from the meteor shower. I remember the rie being really bouncy (and therefore, painful) but it wasn't as bad as I remembered. Here is a picture of the Carnosaurus trying to eat us. (The Carnosaurus was not the dinosaur we were trying to save.)

We rode the mousetrap rollercoaster in kiddie land. This one was as painful as I remember.

We watched It's Tough to be a Bug. Then headed to Hollywood Studios.

Once at Hollywood Studios, we rode Toy Story. I got the highest score in the car for a second time (go me!!!). 

I rode Star Wars with Marina. We watched the Muppets show. (The only time it rained was as soon as we made it under the awning. It rained hard for a few minutes, and then stopped. We timed that well.) Then we went to watch the Indian Jones Epic Stunt Spectular.

I had not watched the Indian Jones Epic Stunt Spectular in a really long time and wanted to see it while we were there. The Indian Jones Epic Stunt Spectular uses volunteers from the audience as extras. Marina (who had been wearing my tiara for the entire vacation) said she wanted to be picked to be an extra. The secret to being picked at Disney includes wearing a tiara and having a friend scream and point at you, while you jump up and down and also point at yourself. (Apparently, there were also children in front of us who turned around to point at her. I didn't see that, but Marina says one of the other volunteers told her it happened.) 

We did not get to see the whole show because IJESS takes place outside and some parts were too wet to use because of the earlier rainstorm. (The best part I remembered from childhood was when the plane would come out and chase Indy and a Nazi around [just like in Raiders of the lost Ark]. They didn't do it the day we saw it and I don't know if it's because of the rain, or just that they don't do it anymore.) While watching the show, J-Dawg texted to say that Monster was feeling better and that she was going to join us at Hollywood Studios. 

She got there in time to ride Tower of Terror.

Then Rockin' Rollercoaster and afterwards we went to watch Fantasmic. I think it's a great show, but I understand that not everybody likes it. It's Hollywood Studios version of fireworks: it's a nighttime show with lots of fire and explosions and characters show up dressed in lights. Totally worth doing (if you can fit it in your schedule). After Fantasmic we ordered pizza and headed back to the hotel. Monster was feeling much better and was running around the hotel room. Everybody ate too much pizza, we watched a Disney movie and then everyone went to sleep. Last day of vacation and finally time to go the Magic Kingdom!!!

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