Monday, November 19, 2012

Disney Princess Half Marathon

I am lazy. My friend Sandy knows this. Sandy, however, wanted to run the Disney Princess Half Marathon. (She's got a couple of kids and needed a training goal.) And despite the fact that I am lazy, Sandy asked me to run it with her.

I agreed for two reasons. 1. I am a sucker. I will do almost anything a good friend asks me to do. 2. It's Disney!

So, although I agreed to do this a few months ago, I finally started really training for it this month. I had been going to the park by my house occasionally and walking. However, today will be the 7th day in a row I've exercised. (That might be a life-time record.)

Back in September, I set a training goal to run a mile before October. I accomplished the goal on September 30, at a very slow pace. Since then, I have not reached any new training goals.

Ideally, I would love to be able to run a 10 minute mile. There is no way that is going to happen unless I train. I know. I have even contacted a personal trainer to help. Although, really, what can a personal trainer do if I don't put in the effort.

I have finally figured out a plan to motivate myself. I bought some jewelry a few weeks ago, and have not worn it yet. The ring I kinda like will be my present after I go to the gym today to celebrate an entire week of working out. The ring I really like will be my present for running 3 miles. This ring is worth it!

I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, what about a reward for running 2 miles? You know when your brain is three steps ahead of you? I was thinking about how much I wanted to go do some retail therapy at Target the other day, and how I might as well buy Brave while there. It still took a minute for my rational brain to agree to buy it with the caveat that it would be a reward for exercising.

The week of exercising started on a Tuesday. My gym has yoga Tuesdays and Thursdays. So, I went to yoga and then went to the bar to listen to my friend play live music. This will be my new Tuesday night routine, yoga and beer. Sounds like a good plan to me.

Last Thursday during yoga I actually saw the reflection of college me in the mirror, before I got so lazy. I know that if I keep at it, I will be able to finish the DPHM and will even be able to kick the lazy habit once and for all. And isn't that what happily ever after is all about?

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