Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Training for DPHM

For the record, yes, I went to the gym last night! Seven days of exercise in a row and this is my reward:

Just the ring. The Dooney & Bourke Mickey purse was a Christmas present (from me to me) last year.

I ran a mile on the treadmill (and hated every single step, I am so not a runner) and then walked on the treadmill until I had done 20 minutes.

Tonight I have yoga followed by drinking and Irish music.

I think I'm going to take Wednesday off, because I signed up to do the Turkey Trot on Thursday (Thanksgiving) morning. My feet and legs are so sore, I figure a day off is probably a good idea. I already warned the person I'm doing it with that I will probably end up walking most of it.

I'm really proud that I managed to run a mile yesterday and can't wait to get back on the treadmill this weekend. Will I be able to watch Brave this weekend? We shall see. (Edit: Totally ran my two miles and watched Brave. Loved it!)

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